

What does it mean to be a refugee and what it is like to stand on the other side as the recipient country?

We are very excited to be involved in this meaningful project, 'FLUGT'.

FLUGT is the Refugee Museum of Denmark. The completely new museum will be built in the remnants of Denmark's largest refugee camp, in the woods outside Oksbøl, where 35.000 German refugees formed Denmark's fifth-largest city for five years following World War II.

Tinker imagineers has asked Big Orange to help produce an immersive 9D Audio Experience in the forest, as well as develop all audio content inside the museum. The museum will be opening in the summer of 2022! Lad os gå!

🙏🏻 to all people at Tinker and Vardemuseerne Nils van Keulen Erik Bär Emmeline Nijsingh Léon Wijnhoud Paul van Houten Nienke van den Berg Joost van der Spek Anne Sofie V. Christensen Pia Uth Claus Kjeld Jensen Helle Ølgaard Stina Troldtoft Andresen

Visual: Tinker imagineers

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